Friday, November 20, 2009

Pisgah National Forest MTBing

Got a big ride in at an icon of American MTBing today: Pisgah National Forest. Unbelievable day and great riding...still, its no Colorado. The most stressful moment of the day came when I realized that Beaker had fallen out of my jersey pocket. I rode back miles and miles to find him.

The days of heavy training are definitely starting to add up. My legs feel somewhat sore, but mostly I just feel like I've burned all of my matches. In the past 7 days (which includes a rest day), I've ridden almost 17.5 hours, climbed 23,500 vertical ft, and burned over 17,000 calories. Tomorrow's group ride should be interesting for me. In the midst of all this, I wonder if I've taken enough time for self-reflection. Perhaps that's why the long hours in the car haven't bothered me at all.

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