Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Interviews

Last Tuesday I headed out east for a week for the first of many medical school interviews. Below is a summary of the trip.

Tuesday: Flew to Hartford, CT. Drove down to New Haven, CT and met up with Steve, a fellow Williams grad. Steve is probably the nicest guy in the world. I can't imagine anyone better to stay with before my first med school interview.

Wednesday: Interview at Yale. Both interviews went well, though the pathologist wanted to talk about my breakup with my ex-girlfriend more than anything else. Yale itself was very nice, but I'm just not sure that it had that perfect feel for me. Clearly, the students are very self-motivated because their curriculum has very little accountability. New Haven is meh.

Thursday: Dartmouth interview. Stayed with Liz, a williams grad. Both interviews went very well. Hanover is the shit. Imagine a preppy Boulder and Williamstown mixed. Couldn't be better. The hospital there is the nicest I've ever seen. I actually like the every two week test thing. The curriculum itself seems pretty standard. Excellent rural health program.

Thursday night, I drove down to Gardner to Laura's house where her parents, Bill and Anne babied me to death. Anne made a fantastic dinner and sent me off with an entire coffee cake. It was definitely a major battery recharge after the interviews.

Friday: Drove back to Williamstown...craziness. I stayed with Bruce and Jodi, who were so great about the whole thing. Had lunch with Prof Lynch. Had dinner with all the cycling team kiddies. Saturday, I had my coffee shop muffin, and spent much of the day at Jack Miller's house, which was great. Saturday night, Jodi made a fantastic dinner for the three of us.

Sunday: Lazy morning, but interesting drive to Rochester. Freezing rain for much of the way, but roads weren't too bad. Made it to Glenn's house, where I met Lucy (see picture below), who insisted on sleeping in my bed.

Monday: Rochester interviews were great. People were great. Clearly the best medical education currriculum and the most serious program. Rochester is meh. Barely made it out of Rochester due to serious snow. Very, very nice American Airlines lady put me on United and saved me. Our plane skidded back and forth as we took off, but we did...then I was home free.

I'm happy to have a week with without travelling. Next interview is Monday...University of Colorado.