Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quick Update

Blog readers-

As usual I must apologize for my lack of attentiveness to MP. Life has been pretty busy lately. I'll just run through some quick highlights:

-So, turns out that I was 9th at Easterns. I couldn't be happier. Top ten against the best collegiate mtn bikers in the hardest conference in the country. Joe Kopena, the director of the conference, even sent an email to our coach asking if I was going to nationals. Alas, I am not eligible because I am on leave. Still, very cool.

-In celebration of a great season, I've been taking a bit of time off...or at least taking it easier.

-I had a St. Bernard literally fall out of a car as he was barking at me after the 28 miles of hell. That was a bad, bad day. Couldn't keep the tears from flowing on the ride home after that.

-Despite some hiccups here and there, things with Nicola are going well. Working with my therapist Mark has really put me in an excellent place to start dating again. I feel very mindful and unattached to the outcome. I'm perfectly happy to enjoy in the moment. A big change from before.

-Dad came to visit this weekend! We had a wonderful time. It was the first time that I've had a parent come to stay with ME. How cool is that!?!

-On Tuesday, we saw the great Ravi Shankar rip it up on the sitar at the age of 89! He's been touring for 70 years. Honestly, probably one of the coolest concerts I've ever seen. I could feel the energy flowing out of Ravi. And he looked so cute, like Kermit the Frog.

-Some more tough news. My beloved Annie girl has oral cancer. Last week she presented with a small lime size tumor on her jaw. Apparently, these things literally pop up overnight. After much debate, the decision was made to have it removed, which happened yesterday. She tolerated the surgery alright, but she probably doesn't have a ton longer. We'll never get another one like her. I hope that I can see her at winter little Annie Doodle.

-Tomorrow is the big day! The anatomy faculty invited me to deliver the entire clinical correlation for the abdomen on my retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. I finished my powerpoint earlier in the week. I'm nervous, but also very, very excited. How many med students get the opportunity to lecture about something so personal to their future class? Should be very cool.

-I had to get a letter from Dr. Seigne saying that I could return to my studies. Opening it yesterday and reading it was a very weird experience. It almost makes this last year seem like a dream.

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